Thank you so much to the teen members of The Imagine Society and the adult volunteers for participating in the set up and execution of the Image-inn, where we served 20 men living in homelessness! Whether you helped in the kitchen, serving, or even conversation with games, we are so grateful for everyone who contributed to making this into a success! We are so appreciative of those who assisted in the kitchen to make a great meal and dessert for our guests, and for those who interacted directly while they were eating to take their orders and have a fun and friendly conversation with them! Look below for our newsletter and some photos from the event!
Click here to read about the March 7th Image-Inn.
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Thank you so much to all the youth groups and leaders that participated in the…
Thank You for joining us at Baskets for the Bahamas on November 16th. We hope you enjoyed the Basketball Skills and Drills clinic! We couldn’t have done this without you!
Thanks so much if you were able to attend our wonderful celebration of youth-led service at Gotham Comedy Club. Stay tuned for follow-up photos and some new exciting events coming up. If you were not able to make it this time we have many upcoming opportunities for you and your group. Follow us @TheImagineSociety #TheImagineSociety. Now let’s go change the world!
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This February, The Imagine Club helped produce a fantastic Open Mic Coffee House at Subculture, a hip downtown performance venue, where six diverse youth groups got together and enjoyed baked treats, hot chocolate and specialty coffees while they watched their peers perform live music intercut by a series of short, inspirational films selected by youth. The show was followed by a pizza party where the groups mixed with new friends of the same age and brainstormed ideas about how to change and improve society using action plans through youth-led service projects.
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The Imagine Society hosted a movie night at Sheen Center NYC! We had a packed house of service-based youth groups from organizations all over the city. The kids were delighted by watching an uplifting film with their peers and then enjoyed cool music and fun food. They met new friends in their own age groups and had productive discussions led by youth leaders about their communities with a focus on service, tolerance and inclusivity. The event strengthened each individual group and facilitated connections for more service opportunities by sharing ideas and joining forces.
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